Autumnal Walk at Cassiobury Park
Join us for a autumnal walk at Cassiobury Park ...
Join us for a autumnal walk at Cassiobury Park ...
Discover, in a corner of Cassiobury Park, a wildlife haven close to the heart of a bustling town.
Local residents are being encouraged to get digging at a series of tree planting days, as part of Panshanger Park’s contribution to the Queen’s Green Canopy initiative.
A partnership project between the Trust and Harpenden-based Hornbeam Wood Hedgehog Sanctuary has raised more than £1,300 for wildlife and helped spread awareness about the risks facing hedgehogs…
Discover this wetland mosaic in the heart of Watford and the action being taken to support its wildlife
The Bechstein's bat is a very rare bat that lives in woodland and roosts in old woodpecker holes or tree crevices. Like other bats, the females form 'maternity colonies' to have…
The small, shaggy-furred Brandt's bat roosts in all sorts of houses, old or modern. It is similar to the whiskered bat and they often roost together, but in separate colonies. It feeds low to…
The small, shaggy-furred whiskered bat roosts in all sorts of houses, old or modern. It is similar to the Brandt's bat and they often roost together, but in separate colonies. It feeds along…
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The Alcathoe bat was 'discovered' in the UK in 2010 when it was confirmed as a separate species to the very similar whiskered and Brandt's bats. Little is known about its range and…