30 Days Wild

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30 Days Wild

The UK’s biggest nature challenge

30 Days Wild is The Wildlife Trusts' annual nature challenge where we ask the nation to do one 'wild' thing a day every day throughout June. Your daily Random Acts of Wildness can be anything you like - litter-picking, birdwatching, puddle-splashing, you name it!

But to help you on your way, we will also provide you with a FREE postal or digital pack of goodies to inspire your wild month - including an activity passport and a wallchart to track your progress. Alongside all of these benefits, taking part in 30 Days Wild is scientifically proven to make you feel happier, healthier, and more connected to nature. In 2020, more than half a million people got involved, from families and couples to teachers, care homes and workplaces. Everyone's invited!

Sign up

I’m a big fan of 30 Days Wild – I love being part of the surge of enthusiasm that emanates from everyone involved! Get creative and find 30 new ways to be inspired by the beauty of the outdoors and nature or be entertained by trying out new nature activities. It is especially important if you live in the city as nature is all around, just waiting to be found
Mya-Rose Craig aka Birdgirl
30 Days Wild 2021 lady with flowers

If you want to see what others are getting up to, just check out #30DaysWild on social media.

Brown hare

Brown Hare © David Tipling/2020VISION

Who are The Wildlife Trusts?

The Wildlife Trusts is a grassroots movement, made up of 46 individual Wildlife Trusts operating in every corner of the UK, Alderney and the Isle of Man. We care for 2,300 incredible wild places, from remote woods and wild rivers to inner city pockets of nature. We also look after the amazing wildlife that lives on our coasts and in our seas. 

Find out more